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11 Feb 2023 Update
February 12, 2023
  • New: Client formatted text field type created - use bold/italics/lists/tables in this new style of data field

  • New: Client formatted text fields can have defaults, a new screen has been developed to set these values

  • New: Added various fields to query editor including client incorporation date and Xero integration code

  • New: Traffic Light summary widget created - replaces the Systems Summary widget on all systems

  • New: System Summary widget available for re-creation on dashboards when required

  • New: Re-wrote undo stage move feature to include a pop-up with additional information

  • New: Added various deadlines for the Isle of Man

  • New: Added office column to staff summary page where active

  • New: Added Irish VIES statement deadline

  • New: Added link to help articles on editor page

  • New: Added API calls to retrieve addresses

  • New: Added Activity filter to Expenses report

  • New: Added client data to Invoice page items list

  • New: All Glide Time reports now include user initials alongside the user's name

  • New: Two Factor Auth feature now allows a trusted browser to be remembered, reducing the need to enter codes

  • Fix: Fixed issues with statuses on created email/SMS messages on the job card and client card.

  • Fix: Improved drop-down menu option wording on template editor to reduce possibility of confusion

  • Fix: Improved Traffic Light block connected to client multiple choice field drop down menu options

  • Fix: Improvements to query editor screens - including consistent groups across column selection and filters

  • Fix: Improvements to query editor filters to make filter options more intuitively worded

  • Fix: Improved consistency of drop down menus on Glide Time reports to ensure they are searchable/filterable

  • Fix: Fixed issues with Messaging Centre including some message states not being shown

  • Fix: Fixed issue on Expenses report where the total would be incorrect and improved wording

  • Fix: Fixed issue with client corporation tax status field on query editor when boolean field linked to client record

  • Fix: Fixed issue where system active and boolean fields had wrong query editor filter options

  • Fix: Fixed issue where some characters were not outputted correctly in generated emails

  • Fix: Progress monitor by stage graph format widget now correctly created where chosen instead of text version

  • Fix: Fixed issue with query tool not outputting full names of individuals thus creating confusion

  • Fix: Fixed issue with Scheduler month to month view not showing an item in a certain specific situation

  • Fix: Fixed issue where deleting a private client note did not refresh the screen

  • Fix: Fixed issue with login screen where email was case sensitive

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