Glide Scheduler - outstanding tasks
RichardJun 26, 2018
On the Scheduler, is it possible to have some way of seeing at a glance what tasks a member of staff have outstanding & what target /deadline dates they have upcoming, to ensure that no jobs are missed off the scheduler
Hi Richard, apologies I had not been alerted to your comment. I can confirm we are continuing to develop a series of changes to the Scheduler which shall be released soon, including the above. Hopefully this will start to appear around early April.
Is this still in planning? When is it likely to be available?
Deadlines & Stages with targets (showing the task & target date). Also the ability to have the ability to mark a stage as ‘appear on scheduler’ when creating a workflow.
Hi, from 'all stages of all jobs' what filtering would need to be applied to get down to the tasks that you would expect o see on the Scheduler? For example do Confirmation statements go on there and would finalisation (later stages) of management accounts go on there. Or would we need to highlight certain stages as being 'expected to be on Scheduler'? Very keen to provide this information, just need to understand how to filter.