Hi Robert -> for linking with Insightly CRM please consider using the Zapier application found at https://zapier.com/app/home -> you can use this to connect Insightly and Glide. Please contact support for more details. Stephen -> we're certainly investigating options for improvements to notes.
Oct 23, 2018
Dont want or need another piece of software so inslightly suggestion not applicable. The idea is to log it in one place.
Hi Robert -> for linking with Insightly CRM please consider using the Zapier application found at https://zapier.com/app/home -> you can use this to connect Insightly and Glide. Please contact support for more details. Stephen -> we're certainly investigating options for improvements to notes.
Dont want or need another piece of software so inslightly suggestion not applicable. The idea is to log it in one place.
Create a link with Insightly CRM